We are honored to announce that on September 25, 2024, during the opening ceremony of the 23rd GTA Conference https://www.gtaconference2024.com/awards, held in the Sacrestia del Bramante in Santa Maria delle Grazie a Milano, the prestigious Wolfgang Metzger International Award was conferred on the volume Showing Time: Continuous Pictorial Narrative and the Adam and Eve Story. In Memory of Alberto Argenton, whose authors are Laura Messina-Argenton, Tiziano Agostini, Tamara Prest e Ian Verstegen.
It is a great satisfaction to us that the Scientific Committee of the Award has attested, along with the volume’s contribution to the research of Gestalt Theory, the fact that “The book sheds light on the work of Alberto Argenton, artist, scientist and professor”. Indeed, we believe that this is also an acknowledgement of the contribution he gave to the development of the Psychology of Art of a Gestaltist and Arnheimian matrix, which has been the foremost guide during the research contained in the volume https://www.albertoargenton.it/un-volume-dedicato-alla-memoria-di-alberto-argenton-vince-il-premio-wolfgang-metzger-2024/
Here below is a photo gallery on the events:

Welcome Addresses by Prof. Dr. Marianne Soff, President of GTA; seated at the table from left are the members of the Organizing Committee, Professors Rossana Actis Grosso, Mauro Antonelli and Daniele Zavagno

Awarding of the prize. From right, Hellmuth Metz-Göckel, Laura Messina Argenton, Tiziano Agostini, Tamara Prest, Ian Verstegen, Marianne Soff